Science and Metaphysics

Theory Cosmobiopsicosociocinesiológica
Author: Prof.. Dr. Mario Carabajal - Ph.D. research between 1978 and 1996.

T know how to express exactly where the metaphysical are concerned about the view of science on them. Concern is yes, with the decoding of metaphysics in science, therefore, is of such importance in interpreting the success of systems, both socioeconomic and bio-psychological and universal, so ordered, because broadcast is rationally and with technical efficiency - science, everything about metaphysics is able to predict. What do without this mutual development, the man felt it would be just a puppet of the Supreme Being of the universe. If joints, science and metaphysics, humanity moves to stride within a logical understanding of the facts. The man, while being rational, you need proof, try what about, which seems quite logical.

While the universe full of hundreds of thousands of years quietly, the man loudly scientist celebrates his last years and "discoveries". Indeed, understanding the whole, balanced and fully organized for the metaphysical.

The science, at the time was devoted to understand and accept the metaphysics, as science university, more easily and quickly unravel the riddles of the concrete where he lives.
The positivism, the demarcation, with its paradigms, as the only form of induction deduction metaphysics, albeit unconscious, however, is. Indeed, even with difficulty on the surface of a concrete knowledge of instruments, which are respected and seized, metaphysics the "subjective" and "abstract" seems to look more objectively the constant realities of science and environmental friendly, based on the insight and perception sensory-energy of vibration, common to all beings.

Mister is the reflection deep in meditation than in the fence, so that with logical criterion, understood as a whole knowledge, that yes, higher for the direction of the attitudes that must govern.

Nearby is undoubtedly the development of science and geometric formation of new synaptic networks in the human brain, understanding the logic "science" of the concrete, the day when man will start in using this today, transcendent power. With scientific development, humanity will increase its capacity perceptive than some, of course, raise, the index gradually percentage of understanding logical brain. If today, 10%, tomorrow 12, and one day, with less than 20% of the brain dominating, then we will have quite positive results of all this, today, the "scientists" - complex, and the metaphysical - simple men who are . Simple, but capable of destabilizing the universe tremendous that the fence. The science reaches its top higher, but the more sight, less accept what can not specifically confirm.

Meanwhile the metaphysics gives birth to science, so that, as soon as it is used by all the men. We would say: The science is the concrete unconscious, the knowledge "abstract" aware of the metaphysical.

Science - Chapter I

Dissertation Postulatória Embasatória

The Evolution of being physical and energetic

The consciousness is unconscious consequent sleeping inside each one and, as they want, this is "awakened". We ourselves as a boat in an ocean without bússula and oars, or a role in the air. While parts of this harmonic system of natural forces reciprocal, it is important to the awakening of consciousness, therefore, gradually, the better we can enjoy while on our walk, to contemplate the perfection. Colocarmo ourselves available to the winds and tides, making it less atrituosa passage by the state of our body.

As gained more consequential levels of consciousness, we can at any time, the depararmo us with a good draft, stiffen your body and as a board, resistant to pressure the media, seizing the waves and winds, reaching, and more quickly, higher or lower levels of density in the area.

The greater the interaction with the environment when the consequent expansion of vision.

The entire complex socio-energy, individual and collective, depend on poles superenergéticos corporeificados, conscious of his unconsciousness methodical overall, but convinced of the systemic general harmony between the poles, though divergent, but all confluent the organization of the cell more stable.

The beings (pole-energy) play, like the "mitochondria" - generic functions maintainers to balance the mother cell. However, almost in its entirety, so superconsciente, unconscious, active, consequently, working in ACHIEVEMENT, passive, observational, meditative, unconscious, creative, and postulatória consecutively. All in the same action.

Of which:
The man acting properly. Without knowing it causes reactions needed in half. But are all extensions of his record.

Please note:
The man acting properly. (superconsciente)
Without knowing, (unconscious)
causes (active)
reactions (consequently)
necessary (working)
in the middle. (from ACHIEVEMENT)
But (passive, observational and meditative)
unknown (unconscious)
the extensions (Creative)
of your (postulatória)
made. (consecutive).

They are the entire unit - each one knows, so unconscious that the other should do, where you arrive. At all times "He" interacts on "This", which is also "one", making it interact on the "other", which are also "He" and "That".

Each aware of "Si" and very little of the "Other". However, even unconscious about their purpose in relation to "Other", is "A". Only in "Si" and a lot on "All."

The expansion highlights the consequence of consciousness. During this process. "He", "He" or "this", acquire, in accordance with their own searches, "stages" of the highest observation, analysis, synthesis and decoding of pulse energy from the environment, interacting in a more objective in the pipe and redistribution Energy psychophysics.

The expansion of consciousness both individually to be as close to the collective consciousness.

The individual is given the classification of interest not common. Already the increased socialization, the classification of common interests to the collective consciousness conscious, consequently, active, functioning. Attracted by the unconscious conscious, in a natural reaction of super-active, reciprocity evolving on the human juice to boost their self-discovery, self-transcendence and self-donation to the collective means for the formation of the Universal consciousness.

All beings, consciously or intuitively transcend. Everyone is responsible for raising both of their consciences as to increase the systemic elements of training of universal consciousness, interaciência.

The unconscious man walks so inconsequential active.
The man walks aware of how regulatory super active Operant.
The man walks superconsciente an objective of interactive training transpersonal.

When talks about eternal life, one has the impression that the spirit (energy) perpetuates itself. Mister is well understand the parties first and then move to the other. Approximately two billion and eight hundred million espermazóides to compete, only one, be selected for the process of "rejuvenation" by the stratification of total human essence. Exactly there is the immortality. They are essential to stratify their total rejuvenation, in turn, and endless chain. As a "chip" of computer from which place it in another, codes of major programs to continue being used.

The immortality is the result of shipments in jail inherited from their stocks as finite be biopsicofisicosocioalenergético. The result of this complex being is something terribly practical. Sees are two beings that already in middle age, merging itself, keeping its forms, and are a total of rejumenecimento their essences. What apparently is another being, in fact, is short. It is a being, immortal and eternal in spirit.

The thought, resulting abstract, which can not be played and not seen, reflects current codes, and recurrence, allows access to the reading of elements encoded in another generation.

In less "spark" a thought can find answers to problems in ACHIEVEMENT.
The "sparks" are "ensites creative" and represent a clever synthesis of hundreds of stocks.

The thoughts to occur, require a fundamental factor. First of all, we need to be found to be in full enjoyment of the "miracle of life" - body. Just who is believed to exist in a time interval between pre and post there. This, by necessity bioneurofisiológica for transcoding eletroquiímica of human energies encoded chemical in food. Once thought, are encoded again, this time with banks decodificáveis memorial to the memories and not more transcodificáveis, when we read the print energy chemically in the plant. This, from energy spectra of previously-atomic nucleus, from the infinite universe.

The ability to "generation of thoughts", or transcoding logic of power in systemic form, is an exclusive right to be cosmobiopsicocinesiológico, aimed at holomovimento.

From this premise, while units cosmobioenergéticas play the role, "mission" - natural reactions conscious or unconscious, consequential or inconsequential in the context of cosmobiopsiconatural forces reciprocal regulators micro and macrocosm

While we play a simple function or secondary in Ocean Energy, we are, that yes, particles essential to maintaining the cosmological synchronic.

We are insignificant. However, the fundamental goals still inconceivable to the human mind over the coming centuries.

The destiny of mankind depend on arguably the directions to take our scientific research. However, such research and awareness, are only possible as they recognize and admit he knew nothing, because the reckoning of the total universe, the existence of a being with consciousness and purposes ultraelevados, whose proportions, sizes and purposes, we can only try through the existing absolute synchrony of what we already know its principles of motion and coarse few interactions; - roughly know the atom, cell and the solar system.

In the investigation of the atom are sparks energy - already can even observe the pearls of energy from one atom to another.

Arrived in the cells to DNA and RNA, with small advances in their subdivisions and functions.

In the solar system it comes to the principle of equidistance delimitation and atomic energy to provide the biological life.

Increase our understanding of consciousness and consequently determines only continue with our research and investigations. Not towards the unknown, but the tasks that we immeasurable, as the atom and the cell, play this sea ocean that is the "Worlds" - as has been identified by modern science.

As revealed rules of the natural universe, modify human concepts, transcending, have developed, gained more awareness, better organization and assume duties

We must be prepared for the new. Both to inhibit and to encourage actions to respect human upper firm

Would be wonderful if the science is aware, given the so-called popular and, given the immeasurable universe, before the synchrony and perfect balance from the existing cellular structures, conceded to be the biggest fan of perfection, its largest research and to give what they can not explain today, although the investigations continue, the already established and divine name of God; - instead of Ocean Energy, God. The science would not fill this role and would be skeptical of his investigations, even scientific, seeking to understand and experience God (macrocosm; Ocean energy; Infinite; immeasurable).

For us, God beyond the limits of the design of cosmos, can be attributed to Him all the interaction energy, or be the very energy from the micro to the macrocosm infinite and immeasurable. Being He thus also accepted by science, in everything, everywhere and in all beings, continue to pursue this infinite and endless source of energy, natural laws on it.

Evolution Falseabilizadora - Conscious Unconscious

While there are field or consciousness, there is no mistake. In the absence of consciousness, or operating ones not yet dominated by instinct, will begin a view of "developments falseabilizadora" - trial, error and hit systematization.

To overcome this stage to rely on the meeting of natural elements in higher levels of consciousness, able to guide us to resize psicofísicosocial prospects with the consequent expansion of our consciences.

In the field of development falseabilizadora, will, to "blind", accept and fascinates in front on everything. Validates many errors as hits. But this is not it, really, a mistake by being unconscious, but an element of learning, reglexão, triggering the physical experimentation pro consequent elevation of consciousness.

The scientific theory, leads us to an expansion of consciousness. However, does not preclude us from the need for experimentation.

When missing-in conscience, close to connecting links with elements already stored, how it got lost in the prospect of trial, error and hit, until, at some point, or even can find, view the links that make up our natural evolutionary path .

While in search of links, we have to observe, possible flaws in the process of expanding the consequent awareness. If we are not able walk freely, we must look to the need for deep thoughts about the objectives we seek to achieve.

Why and for what of our actions, are questions that must accompany be in any stage of the consequent expansion of consciousness.

The links of our investigations and searches, to train, require interpretation and expansion of the entire set of links already formed earlier. In such moments, the decoding of trainers energy elements of the complex human-life, are crucial.

The understanding of why and for what of our shares, is directly linked to read everything that makes our universe psicofisicosocial historical past.

Experimental Advanced retreat

The advancement of consciousness through the consequent retreat experimental advanced, ie the physical testing of what they think theoretically correct.

The practice of testing we think theoretically correct, under natural evolution, may represent a delay in our journey psicoevolutiva. However, it is the element of accommodation and consequent awareness of effective training.

As extends to the conscience of our ignorance, reduces the possibility of error. That is because we do not know, we started to better meet the tests of those who dare walk from where, respecting their paths, defined the course of our shares from the free spaces that, believing in the total natural balance, these spaces are the links that need for the orderly construction of our ideals, they can walk on, build and consolidate our participation harmonica with the collective. Thus, both gained the move, such as add-on to the whole.

As we moved to new experiences, trying to apply the already gained consciousness, we are all vulnerable to energy and prospects for error the way, the object of our new experiences.

The consequent move requires organization, preparation and purpose. Self-determination, united psychophysical conditions, to engage safely and effectively in the middle. Ready to absorb the natural reactions that by virtue of our action, although it neatly, will bring, especially the more we try to modify it.

It is necessary, especially for the expansion of consciousness in higher levels of consequence, that atrevamo us face the media, always believe in what we are there, actually, to do. No friction with the purposes of other co-authors of human evolutionary history. But wherever possible, adding forces the organization's general prospect of extending the collective consciousness consequent

Of Being Single to Be Integral
Autotranscendência prospect of stability and
For a long time to be biopsicofísico has developed the ability to think and transcend its contemporaneity.

The man, while being biopsicofísico and energy, seeks the homogeneity of these four levels. This occurs when you turn the individual and the environment to which he belongs, greater interaction takes place between him and the environment, change is values, concepts and new paradigms emerge.

The time and destination, and the physical world energy plan, are the elements that man has to undertake search and its prospects for self-realization and transcendence towards the elevation and expansion of its collective conscience as well. It is the manifestation of cosmobiogênica natural forces that drive the transenergéticas be towards the unknown among the pre-and post there.

The cosmobiopsicocinesiológica transcendence occurs or manifests itself in vertohorizontal for the high (front) and to the sides. However, the reverse process may occur, a kind of distance in four levels, causing a momentary confusion in the consequent expansion of consciousness. But the opposing forces of corporeity and physical transcendence, it becomes clear the stability of being accommodated in the detachment consistent level of energy to the purposes and goals of their real and natural functions in the complex system of reciprocal forces, dynamics and be equidistant to be.

As the biological brings experience to be be physical, to the working of the unconscious, enables the reading and interpretation of psychological be, and there just happens to the consequent formation of conscience, when, for transcendence pulse energy, cosmoquímicos (reactions x atômicas core printing plant in chemistry) with subsequent reading and interpreting human (x transcoding thoughts), affects the social, by reducing the personal unconscious reflexes with the collective.

In the expansion of individual conscience, amounts to meet the prospect of being full, which means, cosmobiopsicoenergético balance.

Conscience, Science and Transcendence
The total human consciousness search the knowledge accumulated by humanity means that lead to changes;

- Increased awareness, increased the search and committed staff;

- The greater the collective consciousness, more individual conscience and consequent impairment;

- Increased to transcendence, greater awareness and their commitment.

The man can make the option you want. However, the compromise is imminent, transpersonal and convincingly.
The search of the man in either direction brings the perspective of others.
The scientific bases develop the mind and raise the prospect of transcendence.
Any expansion of consciousness offers natural ways to scientific research and evidence to the expansion of consciousness.

Organization Cosmobiopsicosociocinesiológica
The diagram below shows, the center to the extremes, the energy exchange between families or energy cosmosociocinesiológicas cells.

The links are exchanges between different families, forming a network of feedback.

The older cells are those that have lost their children (electrons) to other families - is the central event of the cell, (the news). The others are in training

The cells (pole) older, feeds back up with larger groups of cells, while the younger have their bases of feedback within the family (note the peripheral cells).

The feedback occurs naturally in the light of "trading environment" for children.

They are the natural forces of mutual attraction between the cells energy at all levels.

The same formation of the scheme below, may represent our solar system, which applies to the planets and moons, with a similar organization found in atoms, cells ... Even still valid also for families, and paradigms Nations.

From the micro to the macrocosm, we observed the same formation energy.

Schedule Cosmobiopsicosociocinesiológico
COSMO - macrocosm

Universe Galaxies Solar Systems
The Comets link equidistant points in the immense universe.
The galaxies are filled hydrogen.

Sistama Sun Solar Planets
The cosmic hydrogen, the level sun, is converted into atomic energy.
The atomic energy is dissipated spectrally. In rays come to our planet.

Planets Plants Animals
The planet, through plants and algae, transform and store energy into chemical energy atomic spectra.

Animals Electrochemistry Thought
For food, they are, transforms the chemical energy of plants in electrochemical energy, of which part will be used for biological functions; cellular depolarization (x sodium potassium). And part will be in decodificada thoughts (reading and decoding electrochemical energy chemical plant - photo-printed spectrum atomically-rays from the sun rise, with roots in the infinite cosmos).

Thought knowledge Polls
The thoughts (decoding of energy) lead to catexização of abstract values of latent sense, this being the emanation of pulses in many of energy, imposing cyclical frequency brain, each being placed on ways to balance the routines decodificatórias (food), always in harmony with the purposes of recent interest worldwide. The atomic thinking, how could even call it, because it contains in its foundations processed Helium (an offshoot of the clash between hydrogen protons and electrons, enabling human beings to interpretation and reading of resources, where does arrangements and rearrangements with all the nature, in search of stability and maintenance of frequencies cyclical imposed according to a greater or lesser absorption of energy.

Default Research Paradigms
The beings throw themselves into personal searches (search) by setting limits common in some respects, this, by the second act frequency rhythmic brain, which are conducted in cycles per second, and within seconds of each in the hundredths of seconds in milliseconds . In hundredths of a second, set up waves that mark general behavior, we milliseconds, it was found and special interests, skills and behaviors of individual and personality.

Standard Segments Societies
By decodificativa dynamics of electrochemical impulses cosmo-chemical, it gives the formation of paradigms, on which, establish collective patterns of behavior, grouping beings of similar habits and hereditary origins. They set up segments of common interests leading companies.

Companies governments Nations
The societies organize themselves into governments which in turn will nation.


Cell ........................ Cell Nucleus ........................... Mitochondria
Looking at the cellular organization, and correlate with the structures macrocosm, we must prove similarity, both in format and in the way they are distributed extensions of their domains, or subdivisions.

Atom ................................... Atomic Nucleus ............................. Electrons
Similarly as the cells, the atoms also have similar structural and organizational factors as the macrocosm.
We can seek and find similarity of the atom with the Galaxy organization, or even the Sun in the Solar System.

Families ................................. Parents ...................................... Children
Also the families are in the same organization from the other constituent elements of macro-and microcosm. Revolve around children of parents who organize themselves into families. Hence to companies, governments and nations.

Simply show the relationship paradigmaximizadoras and also paradigminimizadoras with similar organizational arrangements, from the macrocosm infinite, the infinite also microcosm.

Engineering fluidic Kinesiologic
As the body cells of a "mature" - allow greater passage of the elements and stable etérios energy.

Each and every element of the physical world, are more likely to be a balance to the extent that "age".

No element in its initial process of physical life, concrete, of high-energy, is full, the natural resistance of its shares to the concentrated streamlining of its similar.

The wood is freshly extracted from passive to the minimum extent contact with the sun and water.
The bone, newly formed, is liable to "break" with more ease.
The process of "hardening" to refer to us is ambiguous;

- As it ages is tougher, however, reduce the absorption capacity, understanding, flexibility;

- The greater the resistance, which makes it more flexible without double up, but on his property to resist, accruing, supports it;

- Flexibility is directly proportional to the strength of contrary pressure;

- The force of pressure is directly proportional to the force of resistance;

- The strength of resistance is directly proportional to the force of accumulation, maturation, "potential energy" (physical); concentration (psyche);

This allows the tests to the creation of a "concrete" (more dense);

- With perception in the physical (visual, tactile, audionoro, gustátil and "olfativnum");

- Which makes the "unreal / real";

- The "goal" wins precipitation in the physical world;

- The metaphysical acquire scientific systematization.

Finally, the abstract metaphysical, enables the trigger of systemic search of evidence Kinesiologic.

"Transnaturam; besides the nature (...) by nature meant itself subject, and by matafísica what is not matter (...) is not long or wide or high, either solid or pointed (... ) Your soul, and who do not know who produces your reasoning. (...) The objects of metaphysics could increase even further the principles of mathematics (...) units divisible to infinity. Voltaire

The Metaphysics is the science of the sciences mother

The metaphysical thinking evolved, we thought the analytical and falseabilizador of philosophy. Based on the systematization and organization of sequential logic liaison intangible or precipitation of the material, or the link between Utopia and Reality, or even the materialization of the imaginary

Before units "split units to infinity," we see the opposite matafísica the principle "the infinite multiplied in units" - the wonder of analytical thinking, critical, systematic and ultimately operationalized "processor of matter."

Energy Cosmic transcoded - Thought
The "thinking" or "energy cosmic law of universal" if we come through multiple reactions energy of the universe, where, his last link we see in protons and electrons from hydrogen atoms, when they collide is to make the Helium (principle nuclear);

- Thousands of these reactions are the light that reaches us is through the sun, bringing the codes to be universal, in the first instance, translated by chemical plants, and later, electrochemically by man.

- In oxygen and water are also the basis of these reactions, and indeed, in all kinds of elements to win space on the physiology, human biology and neurology. Each and every element is the bearer of codes, that these levels are broken and transcoded, the physical and mental power, with consequent movements and thoughts as a result.

Synchronicity Man / Universe
It is not the man, much less the thought that leads, adrift in a universe where everything is perfect and occupies its rightful place more;

- The planets are in a perfect orbit for exact universal laws;

- Electrons, protons and neutrons in atoms, not fleeing the exact universal laws;

- Mitochondria, sodium and potassium, all in a cell, are subject to these same laws.

- The man "free" has defined her life under laws of the universal paradigm.

I can not believe even for a moment that life first originouse insignificant in this ball we call Earth (...) particles that have combined to evolve into creatures living on this planet, probably came from some other body in the universe. Thomas A. Edson

If the man came from somewhere else in the universe, or more specifically the 10th. planet in our Solar System, to its explosion when the astrofísico the Venezuelan Robles High, is something that sooner or later the science confirm. Until that is confirmed, to have scientific value and keeping the field of science as experimental proof, we have to admit "scientifically" we are the only beings in the whole universe. This, only to shake hands the first extraterrestrial.

Why can not the housing of the universe have their start on our planet!

If the system were Decilhon (Three Marias) next to ours, we certainly also trying to find a point away our home, and there would philosophers as Thomas Edson, who feel would be insignificant on a "ball" - believing that their true origin was, perhaps, in a "ball" away, in the immense universe. Maybe here in our Solar System.

Taxes surrender to Thomas Edson for his continuing research on the "lamp" - but we can not refute him discredited by the "deadly contraption" of "electric chair."

We are the only inhabitants of the Universe
While we do not make any contact with beings from another planet, in a scientific perspective, admit it to the evolving science of concrete, we are the only inhabitants of the universe, if anything, admit there in the universe tremendous, with hundreds of other planets equidistance its source Energy (Star-Sun) that allow the prospect of biological life.

The man in the next ten hundred years will be "still" unable to conceive the infinite universe, but only specifically and the microcosm;

§ base and similarity to the macrocosm, the atom, energy. Robles Robles High

Without passing through the understanding of the microcosm, the man can not get to the macrocosm.

Without the reading, interpretation and rearrange what you have concrete, you can not investigate themselves "like distant" of "like coming."

If you do not know in depth the "ball" in which we live, how can venture from us in search of the conquest of infinite space. While any progress toward the macro or microcosm, gives us subsidies and assumptions to the field of diametrical opposites. Therefore, we must proceed with caution.

A cosmic care in the field is paramount, removing the bad habit of submitting any species other than humans, the condition of food.

Logic would presume to life on other planets, after all; - claim is "think" we are the only ones in the universe tremendous


Dissertation Citatória Postulatória

Science x God
The science in all times has allowed for indirect way to God. However, unconsciously, they speak of God thought, God's idea.

The individual feels the "nothing" of human desires and goals, the sublimity and order that are both beautiful in nature as in the world of thought (...) Albert Einstein

The time interval from there, is among two other bands, the pre and post there, as if water were the pre exists, the ice and after that there exist as the same water back to its natural form.
Better yet;
- Would be like the air trapped in a balloon that, by breaking up, allows your date and return to the natural environment.

(...) If we could see ourselves and other objects as they are in reality, we should see us in a world of spiritual nature, with which our community does not begin with birth nor end with the death of the body (...) Kant

The cosmobiopsicosociocinesiológico can only be a half interest in concrete. His obstacles are all that occupies space and has so. While the move these bodies, energies that are beyond human capacity.

As for pre-and post there is indescribable to the senses. There are several pre-suppositions and speculations in this regard.

(...) What happens after death is so indescribable, glorious, that our imagination and our feelings are not enough to form even a rough design (...) about the dissolution of our limited way by the time in eternity does not involve a loss of sense (...)
Carl G. Jung

The assumption Jung, in "no loss of the senses" after death is vain - that today has the senses are unique to be corporeificado. This can be stated by proved to live the way, proving its existence on a physical level, easy and irrefutable scientific certificate. However, even this statement is refutaria for the simple use of the variable are unique "to be (...) Even if valid and irrefutable, until it is at present" entities "not corporeificadas, using the senses today, Human reliant on a physical body, a system neurobiopsicofisiológico for your event.

Scientifically we can not say this or that the concrete that we can not prove.

Our way "limited" is all we have to interact in the real world and lacking real actions and objective for the conservation and maintenance of life and the planet.

Get our bodies. I think we are composed of myriad individuals and myriad of infinitely small, each constituting a unit of life itself. I also believe that these units operate in teams or swarms, but rather draw - and living forever. When we "die", these swarms of units, as a swarm of bees, so to speak, is moving to some place and still in operation in some other form of environment. Thomas Edson

The science and rejects completely refutes the argument of this kind of affirmative above, of Thomas Edson. There is nothing concrete, and the author's right to freely express his thoughts and assumptions.

(...) "I believe", "somewhere", "any other", - are speculative ways of thinking, without consistency of argument and theoretical assumptions.

As the author thought the rave, to enter an empty philosophy of literature; - headquarters real possibilities for the metaphysical (which transcends the science) - is pure science, should lead to Allah - is experimental science, the actual certified.

We prefer the advent of channeling the energy of Thomas Edson, who enlightens thousands of homes worldwide. We respect but the metaphysical speculations of Thomas Edson. We can not respect your pride when you see the electric chair used for capital punishment being constructed in the form of electrical current contrary to his, even when it built its electric chair and released the criminal justice system (immature act of pure vanity).

We'll be like a Thomas Edson, with vanity, defects and many qualities. Finally, be an evolving.
If you were alive, certainly leave in search of experimental proof of its assertions above, like the lamp that resulted in some of five thousand attempts, reaching be considered crazy around the attempt to number three thousand.

By knowing bibliographically Thomas Edson experimentally and some of his inventions, we should respect it and enjoy your experience as an example. After all, who care for our good and sublime searches not just your overcome by trifles distortions and half the turbulence of life in society. Many social norms and guidelines, will be refuted, many developed and created so many.

By knowing your entrepreneurial spirit and enviable autocondução in search of truth, do not hesitate Thomas Edson, in falseabilizar to test their hypothesis of a perspective of life after death. However, your searches and evidence, once approved and visible in the eyes of science, valeriam a lot more awareness of the need for a greater frequency of science with metaphysics in order to better conduct that our actions while in enjoyment of the body, working well , More objective in everything about metaphysics is able to predict, suggest, illuminate the paths that must be channeled, with scientific rigor to humanity.

I say that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and most noble incentive for scientific research. Albert Einsten

Religion, "religare" (from Latin), religion. The man from the religious sense, a way to make progress towards its linked, their first home.

The religion understood by the churches, does not hold the exclusivity that sense, however, all groups, associations and organizations geared to practice and exercise for a better condition of life. Without exception, all the acronyms created around the world are unfolding and ramifications so that every man, where he is to reach the principles and foundations of a harmonious life with prospects of stability and balance between human beings and nature, nature and the universe.

The real guts of understanding is to not let the things we know are embarrassed by that we do not know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The men know each other and know the events cosmoenergéticas which are inserted.
Thousands are the energy that transcend modern science. Even the human senses beyond the five already known.

We are in the early stages of discovery that will lead us to a full perspective of human reason on earth. We do not know which makes almost all of our actions. Although the reactions to natural sensory vibration energy lead us regardless of the level of consciousness that we have acquired.

While unconscious, we are under natural, triggering consequences of multiple pro cosmosociológicas feedback.

While the full universe silently thousands of years, the man loudly celebrating his last years and discoveries. Edgar Hudson

Even those noises to which Hudson, are part of the stage where we are.
We are all integral parts of a large gear, a few, strategically positioned to provoke reaction and all other work synchronously. Some serve as a brake to another and they facilitate the work of the whole. But not one of those gears cease to feed the system.

Certainly when this "huge clock" is in full harmony, as is Lucas de Souza, in his magnificent work "The dawn of a new time" - no more noise you hear, just follow the silent light that we come every day "scraps of intelligent," and refers to Edgar Hudson, the natural instincts that we invade the thoughts and to motivate us;

"resist a little more, still a little more, of never accepting defeat" Alberto Montalvão

Montalvão refers to the persistence linking it to the forces of intrinsic beings. Internalized, which, if stimulated can bring in the apparent failure, in a world full of achievements and satisfaction.

(...) I unconscious on the forces they are dormant, ready to touch on as long as
stimulated. Thinkers associated Johari

In Johari window, find the "me unconscious" - exactly the same unconscious of Sigmund Freud. In it, so we can find flaws in our process of development, as potential ready to initiate actions to develop to our full. It is necessary to encourage such potential, making a big step in maximizing, since its origins to today.

We can accumulate in our unconscious, solutions to human problems, while they, sleeping.
The awakening of consciousness is the passive stimulus. It is common to "PINC" by recurring stimuli, the same weight catéxico or very close to those that were originally to its source coding.

At catexização or encoding of original experimental values of domestic origin or even of external resources, are synthesized and even created pesos "quantuns" subatomic level in neuronal, able to contain the impression "real" means the equivalent of elements of its experience and expertise .

Whatever be the experience, he internalising, so that if in a situation where a very large percentage of components, linking itself to the occasion of its codification, the brain can validate it and identify it as the original, unlock, or releasing, the entire pro-reactive original, which in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud described as defenses.

No theory of physics that only take care of physics can explain the physics. I think as we continue trying to understand the universe, we are also trying to understand the man. I am convinced that began suspect that the man is not just a small gear that is not enough to make any difference in the vast machine in operation, instead there is a much deeper bond between man and the universe than hitherto suspected .. . the physical world is linked, in some profound sense, to humans.
John A. Whee'er

(...) The physical world is linked, in some profound sense, the human being (...) This "some", where used, is the exact point of persecution that science should devote efforts to training of the links concrete of a chain of search paradigmaximizadora.

Nowadays, we can extend this "some" of the thought of John Whee'er. The bioeletrografia, in order to objectively observe the levels of energy that go beyond the limits of internal beings, putting it in full interaction with the physical world. Each cell of our body, contains between 40 and 90 mini-VOLTZ.

The beings are able to block or interfere with radio waves and television. Similarly, visible in these devices, they are interacting about each other and about all that is your universe of contacts.

In the same way as they are exercising influence over each other energy and the physical world, it is true we say that he is also influenced from the energy focused on objects.

At the count with a vision of bioeletrográfica beings and objects that surround us, we would see a world full of colors and waves, one overriding the other and competing with each other as they compete spaces.

In the light of that vision, currently already possible, provided they are using "glasses bioeletrográficos" we can observe the precipitation of bodies, objects and actions, attracted by frequency of waves matching the potential of their interactions.

Proven, high energy beings we are, where both influence how we are affected loads and loads of resources where we are.

The frequency energy stimulate and even curb our actions.

The man lost control, as we have said to us, almost all of its energies. However, because they are still unconscious field of energy, does not mean to say that not to use - we do it, as the leaves promoted in the same way before they photosynthesis science.

What changes as they move into a larger perspective of scientific awareness, is the fact that better channel such events. Without awareness of plant life, the easier it would be the devastation of the planet, has systematised with her, the more we care, which expands the possibilities of life and harmony on earth.

In the same way as if it is useful in the knowledge of nature, to know us better and the range of energies which are involved and even parts of human beings, we can quickly move to the high levels of exchanges with nature . Since the correct choice of food or the simple choice of a path to follow. The frequency of waves and colors are harmonious, hard to mistake the option. Also among the unions beings and all other exchanges are facilitated.

For that one has a clear vision of what a vision bioeletrográfica active partner, is the same as seeing, in other instances and situations, a river and a road and we have to choose a, and that our immediate need is taking a bath.

With the same clarity between the river and the road of the paragraph above, is using us for a personal equipment bioeletrográfico multi-inclusive, for the reading of energy beings and objects, we would have facilitated our hike, which would result in a fully integrated human nature .

It is immediately evident ... that this world of the senses, this universe outside seemingly real, although it may be useful and valid under other things, can not be the external world, but only the projected image of the ego ... The evidence of the senses can not be accepted as proof of the nature of ultimate reality. E. Underhill.

We agree with that reality intangible, or imperceptible to the eyes and senses hitherto developed by man. So much misunderstanding is the intellectual logic to each be aware that it is intelligible only what their stage of "perception" will assimilate.

Can the scientist speak freely on television without fear of causing doubt in the population, or "disciple" (not ready) for hours listening to the master. In this regard we have a vision reverse in part the prospect 'logic. "Say it is master that it proposes to teach; - speaks and expresses his ideas and the disciple who listens, and confidence if you try to apply. We raise the possibility of Master be the one that "logically" would be the disciple and the disciple master, that is, - who knows apply, while those who are expressing the thoughts are in search of consent, approval to continue.

Most, the great listeners and mentors from leading researchers and scientists learned, people are simple, with no training and yet these are rather the great masters.

Researchers are undoubtedly people Automotive, but found its greatest impetus in non-scientific means. Although, for the true scientist, her entire generation of thoughts, observations, in the middle where you are, everything is a matter of scientific pursuit. All fields, all areas, there is no border between the material and immaterial, the dream and reality - the future is present, therefore, are in addition paradigms of this reality, where new links are proposed and new possibilities are raised axiológico the future of mankind.

The proof is not the most important, but the compromise with their conscience, to express what your searches so far this could observe. Their commitment is with humanity, the truth and their conscience.

A false science creates atheists; the real science leads men the curve in front of the Divine. Voltaire

The reckoning of the universe, in sync on the whole biological system, the accuracy and precision of the energy fields of atoms, the perfection of the flowers, the whole cell metabolism, the harmony of the fields in interplanetary attraction, ecosystem balance, the motivating force inside inherent beings. Everything, all this and more assume exists, we can not explain their origins, only to the few associate or correlate their operations, everything leads us to believe, so irrefutable, in whose existence and be a purpose beyond our speculation. A being of unimaginable proportions and organization ahead of the infinite universe, we must admit, given the scientific observation of all truth, being an integral part of a harmonic system of forces and resourceful energy of high precision, where our thoughts obey this complex set interconnected and the general laws of precision and synchronicity within a perspective cosmobiopsicocinesiológica.

Failure of the system is immediately replaced the element of generating energy imbalance. Previously, other devices are triggered to its recovery. This, at the level of exploitation is restored to the system by continuing to offer prospects for partaking in the organization and conduct of collective actions.

The "puppets" in reality they are not, and for all the opportunities for advancement, retreat or stagnation in all levels of shares. This, provided that, with precision, and is, the information walk the whole system.

Increasingly rapid devices are created every day for the formation of larger links interhumanos;
- The time of development and deployment of evolutionary perspective, everything in its more time obeys laws of a general nature, some more others less, as they develop general awareness or consciousness consistently exceeded, commit themselves.

Give premise above, the preceding paragraph, are the roles of high purpose. Although, in today's world, few men are superconscientes. However, where, at that moment, which is the middle interagirão;
- Will turn itself with its purposes cosmocinesiológicas, the medium itself will deal with reposition them.

The expansion of consciousness due to perfection exists, always allow more rearrangements, which provides the opportunity to continue to be or accommodate it.

At any time, may be the deciding accommodate it. However, deny this possibility. If he is not the sponsor of the action, is your greatest motivator. If not motivating, is executor, finally ...

I have the testimony of my own conscience.
Galileo (Astrophysics)

Galileo, automotive, and autocondução of self, consciousness itself was its biggest launcher, which serves as a personal feedback. When with organization, preparation and purpose, aware and ready, ready for the next step, the internal measures inherent in all beings give the green light or just yellow and even red, if any device is not fully prepared. This is natural obstacles to be overcome in its autocondução. It is also released into the middle of exact truths of their persecution.

What is not fully true, it is not half true. What is true is not fully, that yes, fully untrue. Edgar Hudson

There are no half-truths in universal natural laws. There are possibilities socks, stockings directly proportional to our wishes. Only what is still full. What no longer be of course is expelled from the set. Only our most pure and lofty thoughts gain form, means thoughts serve only to suggest lessons that we must pass.

We must use, harmoniously, the left hemisphere of our brain (which is related to logical thinking, rational, analytical) and the right hemisphere (which is related to the intuition, creativity and imagination).
Human beings must learn to think holistically. Every creature is a human being who was born to win, to realize their potential as criaturacriadora. But to facilitate the work of self-aperfeióamento, she needs a model or paradigm (...) modern science has pointed out that the opening for a bright future of humanity is certainly in full operation of the neocortex.
Martin Claret

The post-doctor Kátia Cavalcanti, argued with the Technical University of Lisbon, with guidance of Professor Doctor Sergio Vieira and Manuel Cunha, a post-doctoral thesis that greyhounds him the title, in 1994, in Kinesiology. His proposal for a thesis or goal was exactly the creation and definition of a theoretical matrix for science Human Motricity, which are explained in the course of his dissertation, the inter-relationship of the structure epstemológica proposal as an integrated body of knowledge and their professional applications.

We hope the investigators find themselves, given the prospects of pressing a man in Sync in a context "cosmobiopsicosociocinesiológico."

The post-doctoral thesis of Kátia Cavalcanti serves as the call of Martin Claret about the need for setting up parameters,) model or paradigm) which facilitates the spread of the whole science of unified manner.

Globalization in the 80 'in argument put forward by Sergio Manuel, has created an epistemology of Motion human or Kinesiology, the more recent and recommended, with necessary grounds for Kátia Cavalcanti, where transcribed below the classification of Kinesiology defended and approved with European scientific community.

Classification of Kinesiology

1. Kinesiology Physics

2. Kinesiology Biological
physiological or neurological function;
structural ergonomic;
evolutionary developmental;
sexual energy

3. Social Kinesiology
economic sociology artistic
cultural historical play
political philosophy sports
Legal recreational educational gap

4. Kinesiology Psychological 5. Spiritual Kinesiology
behavioral meditative
Cognitive zen
symbolic yogui
Relational Taoist
existential transpersonal
the personality theological

6. Cosmic Kinesiology

Rohden, in one of his books, emphasizes the need for the man persectiva leave the land of intellectuals for a cosmic evolution of thinking from which to a greater congregation of all science, aiming at the integrated cosmic man, use me to the end ; Cosmobiopsicosociocinesiologia.


Dissertation Postulatória conclusive

Utopia - Illusion and Reality

The world at the end of the Second and the Third Millennium beginning of mankind, offers two perspectives of life, Utopia, had the illusion and reality.
We believe in the possibility of such alternatives are being ofertadas so contradictory to our contemporaries, but also, as happened with our ancestors and tends to continue in the future. Contradictory because we are impelled to realizarmo us in concrete, everything indicates the concrete, everything leads to the concrete, leaving behind those who do not fall under the paradigm of matter. But everything that exists today and gives life to the materialist, fruits are full of life of men who lived idealistically.

In the middle of the year two thousand, there is an entire concrete market, but its foundations focus on utopias of the past. Whole legions of men and nations are based on shoulders of dreams and illusions of some thinkers of the past.

Our entire global system of administrative and economic order has its roots in utopia, so that there will be a big question:
- Justify our searches in "Utopia of the Past," which is "Reality in the Present"?
- Justify our searches in the "Reality of Tomorrow" which is "Utopia in the Present"?

We should dedicate our lives to conquer the whole realization of the dreams of our ancestors, "Reality", or sonharmos limit, forming the basis of the future, "Utopia"?

The extremes are dangerous, even in the simplest of research projects are eliminated, disregarded.

Our lines between Utopia and Reality

Our limits are not outlined in psychological level, they are presenting us with natural obstacles, making it stationary or static or confrontemo us in a physical first order, only then interact with psychological - when put "physical" explained the whole extrapsicológicos of means, since our body, their reaction, until the external environment, with all its complexity, material and immaterial reactions of social and environmental issues. Being not only obstacles to the formation of our limits, but also of channels to facilitate the expansion of our shares.

Only when we read the way the desire manifests itself.
Just like what we know consciously, recalling also the result of Utopias past, material and then constituents of our present reality.
Only the upper reaches our I awakens a desire, being stored and brushes when some other element of a same set is introduced, which also immediately will compose the bank "psicocibernético" of being.

As we find elements related and, tweezers achieve all its complementary already stored, is broader bank and expanded the action, or the possibility of precipitation for the whole of mind to the matter.

As the lost items, will begin the division, because no further expansion and began walking in circles as if in search of the "link element" for the orderly continuation of our set.

While "Letters" come out with ease, and we increased our limits receivable of links to new formations. (the "letters" only to the extent that they will come).

The Utopia and Reality are at the point of the paragraph above, forming new links, the base for what will necessarily follow that this or that line, decision-making, choice, existential journey.

Once-missing elements in the expansion of Utopia, that is all we can, whose perspective is unconscious see, for there, visible, seek the missing link, or by graduating.

Break Time

As the man moves into his future as this reality, is to break links of time and space, that is not advanced in time, nothing happened in time, and just thought I made progress in its interior of possibilities for actions and achievements , All in an eternal present.

If the man living with enthusiasm at a time this past her, then put itself, or rather, brought his past here. Also moved in your mind, a dip in an eternal present.

In none of the above cases, changes occurred in this or interval, only the man thought of using a larger set of data stored in your brain - the expansion as that of a wave caused by a stone thrown into water, not has side, front, funds, - past or future, only the trigger point of the whole series of thoughts. The human brain, we expand without limits, depending on just to limit, the man accepted that the stimulus from the middle.

Can the man stranded on their own ambitions, vanity or pride, and these are the points of departure to its expansion, which, if the are, throughout its trajectory will be useless because, without consistency in historical perspective development of humanity, these elements play the history of the realities future as a feather touches the water - no waves and there will be no value in the striving for progress and participation in corporate history.

These factors offset by the prospect of full time interval, it put the man above God, above the children, above life itself.

The man in a range of time is the link between him yesterday and he tomorrow, he is your date, your eternal today, not unlike what we say, be the fruit of middle man, he is sovereign in its decisions, and where you are, be there because he so wants, he so wishes, for he is the best way. But can the interval time with prospects in the pre and post there, keep the human captive of what they occupy place and manner, because, as he, these elements exist and concrete, affect the psychophysics.

The fact that the man find themselves captive, it makes it less responsible for his condition, it should choose this or that way, using the interval between two times, or two realities and the achievement of another reality, he and both sets as real - the real is not the concrete that surrounds us, but what we believe and sensitive insurance composing the truth (our true) and that, in our opinion, the best is also true for all those around us . (see previous chapter in the thinking of Hudson on the truth).

Reality Past, Present and Future

The past realities are the basis of filósofoconcretas thinkers who preceded us.

The entire history of mankind is linked directly to "dreams" of some men who were stronger than many others in their times.

The men who dream of their times more deeply marked by its Utopias, the reality of future generations. However, the big dream is to be accompanied by conditions to its achievement, and in most cases, their own will and certainly the conditions that boost the man to training bases of operation what we believe to be their future.

Most of the men are based on future prospects for this form, a few at the apegam this, and much less still take their future decisions based only in the past, completely ignoring the present.

The latter form of reality, focused in the preceding paragraph, is directly connected to the infinite space-time - I am not, what I thought yesterday, so I do tomorrow, because today I did that yesterday.

This today, when working on yesterday, tomorrow becomes today and yesterday, putting this way, the individual in an infinite perspective of today and tomorrow in hojes in yesterday, making a link "next" between, or "one" between the three realities, working intersectional the interval time, where life gets a great today and yesterday and tomorrow it is mixed in, when the move may be in the past and its future reality, as do the very future as reality past.

Pre-view, anticipated future

Men in general, with very few exceptions (for diseases) have every day a consistent vision, the clear evidence, through dreams, the future of a real advance.

Depending on the actual distance between the present and future real, the greater the dream. However, it is a pre-vision, clear evidence, "farsightedness". Indeed, the perception discharged from the minimum elements of the future will happen in time to persist given set of facts concomitant ongoing present.

The clarity is given by the high level of plumbing, analysis, organization, synthesis and conclusion - which facilitates the reading and projection of reality.

If you give special attention to this possibility psicoenergética synthesis and projection, or reading and forecasting, to facilitate the achievement of real momentum.

The prospects are for purposes of clarity multiabrangentes the expansion of free thought generator.

All our scientists are used, consciously or unconsciously that power, for, only then embark on the scientific pursuit.

The metaphysical cast is free and free of evidence - what makes them utopian dreamers and the huge space / time between his pre visions and the reality of their times; - physical realities, technological and organizational. This, in not only depend on the ability of precipitation of thought, but his systematization its operation, providing a social benefit.

We need good "dreams" projects to humanity, from evolutionary changes in social contextualizações. For this reason, scientific and popular, we contemplate some futuristic thinkers, validating their creations, albeit a very utopian in their times, so the construction of a axiológico more harmonious, prosperous and happy to Humanity.

The metaphysical take place in autotranscendência - already the scientists, concern is the effective precipitation in this area, all of "creating good."

Prospects of Dream and Reality

Both dream and reality, are productive in the field of mind.

The big difference between dream and reality are:
a) the structural and organizational capacity of the individual materialized in them;
b) the possibility of precipitation in the physical material.

Those in a short space of time, achievable and concrete conditions external to human eyes visible, often claiming to be reality.

The development of more complex and implementation of the medium and long term, typically fall in anticipation of dream or utopia.

According to aa intensity of the thought of the generator or transcoder of messages, will it persist in its materialization;
- The intensity creates certainty, that the motivation, motivation and determination finally to the action.

The science in this perspective is the tool capable of delivering the order, the sequence, the path to implementation of all creating.

By metaphysics is common, rushing towards creating thus recognized, scientifically until no longer have any point to systematize the cosmo-chemistry concrete path of energy that is channeled to infinite universe, going by doing;-atomic nucleus; spectral; in chemical plant ; In electrochemical beings, winning the decoding and finally on the right thoughts.

Science, it gives the organization and realization of dreams, of utopias, of our most inbred beliefs, those who "throb" not leaving the mind - what I believe even before we see, but, by virtue of scientific evidence, organization gets faster, better is widespread and a greater number of beneficiaries can achieve.

Dreams and Dreams

The dream that occurs at night and that is agreed, vary only in "pinçação" of sparks; - impressions that store, which accumulated and that we decode. Agreed that it occurs, has more value for us, because that belongs to "reality" and in the evening, a "simple" dream.

During the day we have suffered or external stimuli that cause us to trigger dreams of "real".
The night, suffered no pressure but to all "real dreams" of day-to-day.

Par and I call our networks synaptic arise where the thoughts of "dreams" or "real".

Before any "material invention" there was a dream, a utopia.

The prospect of cosmobiogênese leads us to believe in the possibility of the seventh sunbeam, the radius range, yet little studied, after driving light, causing the impression cosmotogênica in plants, where the result of natural laws of the universe are printed, enabling the man, by reading these energies, by decoding biofisiopsicocinesiológica, its prospects for transcoding with "thoughts" towards the maintenance, continuity and human evolution harmonica with the universe.

It is common in the scientific knowledge of cellular depolarization occurred by the action of sodium and potassium through the bomb of the same name. That way, we raise the possibility of depolarization psicocinesiológica promoted by the merger of the resulting gamma ray, via feeding when in contact with the devices decoders of the human brain, which immediately answers have psychosomatic, operationalized, as of trial, error and hit systematization mind, the thoughts.

The procedure described in the paragraph above, resulting in thoughts, can occur day or night, hours choosing not to demonstrate. However, the prospect of disqualification from hormones or products of reactions of other elements that make up the complex human biological make possible the storage of potential at the unconscious brain, or reacting with rapier head separately;
- The night and released, with feedback and cosmocineológica;
- Daily, with social feedback;
- The night without boundaries and socio-rolling;
- Daily, within a perspective of joint development, the expansion taking place or release the extent that exceeded limits conventional social conditions, such as humanity itself requires the individual to lead or be led, safeguarding the possibility of developing life together .

All the art leads man to release, harmony and a greater frequency with its internal production of energy transcoded. But that goes for their productions, taking it to fit the perspective of social opportunities to show their works, involving cost, space and time.

The beings can, however, grow and produce at higher levels while it did not require public recognition. But for the automotive researcher; - the public, science, family and other segments, are its benchmarks of continuity, change and stagnation. The limits are the social stimulation and discouragement. Function as devices of natural selection - is the best example.

The thought, in view above, conventional real obeys the order, relegating the natural order to plant dreams and utopias; - serving them, only for staff feedback, with no influence in the middle.

Observe the thought occurred inside and outside the social perspective:

Metaphysics Science
Thought Liberto (dream) Thought Conditioner (real)
Utopia this (real time) Real this (past dream)

The X The X

k C K C


In thinking Liberto (dream) occurs in sequences not systemic, the scientific point of view as: A, W, K, X, B, C and D - which makes it ideal from the viewpoint science. However, it is the real future. When systematized, will have "status" scientific. Released in thought, pliers a number of elements regardless of order, conventions and pressures from the outside, according to our domestic needs, making the balance of values catéxicos, - natural individual network.

In thinking Conditioning (actual) have a logical sequence, systematized, as: A, B, C, C, K, W, X - printing the actual present. However, you dream past. Outside utopia, gaining consistency and scientific systematization. Conditioning in thought, pliers ordered a series of elements. The formation of linkages in logical sequence is directly proportional to the claims of scientific return. At the same time, in the absence of links sorted, is inversely proportional to scientific credibility.

Reflex unconditional decision

The instinct that leads us working superconsciente is conscious in the conduct of spontaneous be unconscious, in training of consciousness, which, at various levels are in humans.

We have an unconscious awareness that makes the decisions when to our questions. Not to worry because there are facing the challenge to which we not be prepared. If the barrier is at present, it is because the viewer, and when this occurs, it is because we have the full ability to overcome it, and there it shows is a limit to redirect more of our shares to the right plumbing paradigmaximizativas of our potential, dormant - and only because they are dormant, and even meet us at very high levels of unconsciousness, we identified these limits as barriers to overcome. Nothing else we have to win but our own limitations as human unconscious, searching uncover internal conflicts reflected in the outside world.

Often conflicts arise between the Being and Being, ie our conscience merely systemic human conventions and our conscience psicoenergética, reactive, in synchronicity with the Laws and integrative be constituents / nature still not deciphered scientifically.

In cases of conflicts of the paragraph above, we follow paths more painful or difficult to opt for conventional social-consciousness, although rationally is taking the correct decision, not conflicting with the systems, avoiding efforts in the search for new defenses of reconceituações values already set, accommodated by society, difficult redefinitions, extensions or even a total refutation.

The decisions purely socio-sharing or social-conventional, when conflicting with our internal values, synchronous with universal laws, general tensions to depart from the shortest path to our development - these conflicting decisions deviate us from the path that later we must go. Once removed, we are necessarily driven by new experiences to strengthen our assessment of values, which, once formed, we must test them in advanced experimental setbacks, showing psicomaturidade for the formation of new and definitive links consciences.

By returning to the natural path, we must again choose between Being and Ser. But every time we opt for Being, the greater will be the next obvious question and perceived as an obstacle. This, in order to make the most erroneous lived the experience.

The paths of change are simple and repetitive. Meanwhile, become complex and new as they do not identified.

Other Human Senses
Bases for Expansion of Being Psicomaturacional

About smell, touch, sight, hearing and gustation, we have an abundant literature already well explored and defined by science.

Introduced in the list above, some old Meanings, always used by us, which, to date, have not been willing to Meanings, yet already has a vast interpretative literature, which facilitates our postulations.

Instinct: natural and spontaneous sense of survival, recognition and adapting to the environment.
Respiration; sense that after discovered and used consciously, ensures more effective exchange with the environment, capturing more clearly from the "amounts" of oxygen needed for a healthy life.

Food: sense indispensable to the selection of materials for the production of energy movements and thoughts.

Words meaning capable of providing the exchanges and interactions with the environment.

Interpretation: sense for us, according to his field in the exact means of action as we are compatible psicobiofisicamente and sóciomaximizativamente.

Concentration: meaning able to maximize and mini or even cancel sensations caused by touch, hearing, sight and smell. Still, to expand the potential of the other senses.

Determination: propulsive sense of life socio-reactive. Is in order directly proportional to the impulses latent energy for catéxica of disparate values in search of accommodation.

Motivation: meaning and perceived by enhanced self, luminescence, transcendence and search. Motivation is transpersonal, has order of interdependence be synchronous / nature.

Transposition: order reached the area of the meanings of interpretation, determination and motivation - is directly linked to psicomaturação be the individual, integrating it into the high purposes and co-participants existential man and the environment. Where every being, make tracks for implementation of integrated actions, consistent with the overall stability of consecutores. This sense allows us to make the rearrangements of the energies of centripetal and centrifugal forces interaction from the social and natural resources.

Ordering: sense which shows the forces of human energy and resources as we are, allowing us in their area, and developing more objective and integrated. Your domain contributes to our development, supporting the development of the means by respecting the order and stage where it is.

Reaction: able to naturally make sense to us, even without an awareness of other Meanings, react to their environment. His field is responsible for accommodation to be at certain stages, because the forces of order against natural evolutionary collective. Even without moving, does this sense, the reactions that summed those of other beings, propulsionarão the middle and will also return, even if unconscious, his natural position within the range of energy evolving collective orderly composition.

Evolution: the sense that, as a force beyond the capability and limits human and exhausted efforts to understand the natural order of life, is capable of life to men. Your domain, even as insatiable quest, is unique as a manager of escalation psicomaturacional integrationist man / middle / nature. The search for your domain, offers a certainty, though always full of uncertainties. However comforting and challenging, making the live blind, the paraplegic, the priest, the pastor, the scientist, the metaphysical, the atheist, the prostitute, the politician, the young and the elderly - all in a right way and safe, though obscure their minds, but strong enough to not let them quit, making them more resist a little, a little more stress, finally, of never accepting defeat.

It this point it is important that our friends readers, researchers, critics, educators, and all we focus on your attention, becoming the Psicomaturacionais Stages of Human Consciousness.

Thank you for your reading. Dr. Mario Carabajal - Ph.D. My email: _____________________________________________________________________________________


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